Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosure (TNFD)
We are all directly affected by the biodiversity crisis. Our different ecosystems supply us with food, raw materials and energy – but only if they are intact. Loss of biodiversity therefore threatens not only our livelihood, but also poses a major risk for businesses. To lay the foundation to identify and quantify the associated risks at an early stage – Swiss Sustainable Finance (SSF) and the UN Global Compact Network Switzerland & Liechtenstein (GCNSL) are collaborating with the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosure (TNFD). They established the Swiss TNFD Consultation Group to promote the TNFD frameworks for identifying nature-related risks in Switzerland and to actively support their continuous development.
The TNFD has developed a set of Disclosure Recommendations and Guidance for organisations to report and act on evolving nature-related dependencies, impacts, risks and opportunities. The recommendations and guidance will enable business and finance to integrate nature into decision making, and ultimately support a shift in global financial flows away from nature-negative outcomes and toward nature-positive outcomes.
The Swiss TNFD Consultation Group looks forward to engaging with national financial institutions, corporate actors, civil society organisations, local communities, and public sector institutions to:
understand national concerns around nature-related risks and opportunities; and
socialise the TNFD framework with local actors
TNFD Forum
The TNFD Forum is a gathering of institutions globally from across sectors who are aligned with the mission and principles of the TNFD, wish to learn more about nature-related risk management and disclosure trends and developments together as a community; and are willing to make themselves available to support the work of the Taskforce. Participation is open to institutions across financial institutions, corporates, service and data providers, governments, regulators, multilaterals, financial and business consortia, NGOs, think tanks, research institutions etc.
Are you interested in joining the TNFD Forum?
If your are already a TNFD Forum member, please contact Anna Eiperle, anna.eiperle@globalcompact.ch
Nature Exchange Group
Together with Swiss Sustainable Finance, we invite interested participants to join this community who is dedicated to better understand and address nature-related issues and drive positive change. The Nature Exchange Group meets regulary several times a year.
Recent Webinars on TNFD
Getting Started with the TNFD Framework
During this 1-hour webinar, hosted by the Swiss TNFD Consultation Group, we explored how organizations can get started with the TNFD recommendations and initiate their journey towards better understanding nature-related dependencies, impacts, risks and opportunities. Two case studies from UBS and Novartis provide practical insights into navigating TNFD recommendations and effectively managing nature-related considerations.
TNFD Beginner's Guide
Our colleagues from the UN Global Compact Network Canada, in partnership with WSP in Canada, have released "TNFD Essentials: A Beginner’s Guide to Nature-Related Financial Disclosures." This practical guide is designed to assist companies as they start their journey into nature-related financial disclosures, providing essential tools and insights for integrating environmental considerations into business strategies.