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SDG Innovation Accelerator
for Young Professionals


The SDG Innovation Accelerator for Young Professionals is an opportunity for participating companies of the UN Global Compact to empower young talent within their organizations to collaborate and accelerate business innovation towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

This nine-month programme activates future business leaders and changemakers to develop and drive innovative solutions through new technologies, initiatives, and business models and deliver on their company’s sustainability objectives.

The programme connects entry- to mid-level managers – aged 35 and younger – across diverse business units to generate bold yet viable solutions that can have a positive impact on the company and the SDGs.

Programme Structure

Over the course of nine months, each team of young innovators will work on a challenge specific to their company with the goal of designing more sustainable business models, initiatives and products that will advance the company’s sustainability efforts while driving innovation and delivering tangible solutions with potential market value.


SDG Exploration

Explore the core concepts around business and the Sustainable Development Goals to understand challenges facing business today.


Challenge Identification

Identify and prioritize specific SDGs and their relevance for your business as well as the business impact on the SDGs.


Challenge Definition

Find out how to use SDG impact and assessment tools to build a challenge that is ambitious enough for breakthrough impact and speaks to real needs within their company.


Solutions Development

Learn how to generate new ideas and use tools to move an idea from a concept into a fully defined project.


Solutions Testing and Validation 

Move your project solution to a more refined version through testing and validation within the company and with external stakeholders.

Programme Details

Registration: October 19, 2022 - January 20, 2023

Programme duration: January - September 2023

Effort: Five full-day workshops throughout the course of 9 months in addition to spending approx. 2-3 hours per week on on-demand online learning and activities, and group project development. 

Language: English

Participation: limited amount of spots available


Fee: free of charge

Company Commitment

In order to take part, companies are required to meet the following criteria:

  • Be a participant of the UN Global Compact in Switzerland or Liechtenstein or willing to join

  • Able to appoint

    • 2-4 participanting innovators to take part in the programme for the full duration of 9-months

    • A senior-level representative who will support the Innovator team internally within the company

Participant Eligibility

This programme targets:

  • Participants of 35 years or younger

  • Interest in business-model innovation, sustainability and disruptive technologies

  • Ability to dedicate a minimum of five hours a month to the Accelerator​

Benefits for Participants

  • Learning and development resourcesEngage in accelerated learning opportunities that include online and in-person workshops, case studies, convening opportunities and forum discussion

  • Professional network: Connect with other businesses and collaborate on innovative projects relevant to your company and industry

  • Coaching, mentoring and peer-to-peer learning opportunities: Build working relationships and learn from some of the brightest minds working on sustainability and innovation from some of the top companies across every continent

  • Be part of a global network of leading young professionals from some of the top companies across every continent

Benefits for Companies

  • Apply SDG innovation to solve real sustainability challenges your company is facing

  • Create a culture of innovation and integrate the SDGs into your company’s business strategy through collaboration, innovation and knowledge sharing

  • Increase employee engagement and professional development opportunities for valued talent

  • Tap into an expert network of leading professionals from some of the top companies across the globe

  • Gain global recognition for participation in the programme

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