Webinar TNFD framework v0.4

Heure et lieu
04 avr. 2023, 10:00 – 11:00
À propos de l'événement
On March 28 TNFD will release the TNFD Framework version 0.4. As part of our activities as co-convenor of the TNFD consultation group, Swiss Sustainable Finance (SSF) and UN Global Compact Network Switzerland and Liechtenstein (GCNSL), will be hosting two events: a one-hour informational webinar giving information on the version 0.4 and a three-hour feedback workshop to obtain member input for the TNFD.
At this informational webinar SSF and GCNLS will present the newest release of the TNFD framework version 0.4 and start the discussion with our networks. After an introductory note by Antonio Hautle, Executive Director, GCNSL, the consultation group is pleased to be joined by Alison Bewick, Taskforce Member and Head of Group Risk Management at Nestlé and Renata Pollini, Taskforce Member and Head of Nature at Holcim, who are both advisors to the TNFD to present the key changes that have come with v0.4. The aim of this webinar is to give our network an understanding of the TNFD framework, why it is important, how it is evolving and what this will mean for financial and non-financial players in the coming year. The session will conclude with a Q&A.
The webinar is open for participants of the GCNSL and SSF as well as TNFD Forum members.