Nachhaltige Anlagen: Lösungsansätze der Realwirtschaft für einen zukunftsweisenden Finanzplatz Schweiz

Time & Location
18 May 2022, 09:30 – 12:30 CEST
Novartis Campus Basel, Fabrikstrasse 2, 4056 Basel, Switzerland
About the event
*English version below*
Novartis Campus Basel oder virtuell.
Simultaneous translation is available on demand.
Die Nachhaltigkeitsziele der Vereinten Nationen (UN Sustainable Development Goals) sind nur durch einen gemeinsamen Kraftakt zu erreichen. Grosses Potential liegt im , welches darauf basiert, dass bei Investitionsentscheidungen neben den finanziellen auch ökologische, soziale und Governance-Erwägungen (ESG) berücksichtigt werden. Dieser Trend wiederum führt zu nachhaltigerem und wirtschaftlicherem Handeln der Wirtschaft.nachhaltigen Anlegen
Voraussetzung hierfür ist ein transparentes und standardisiertes Nachhaltigkeits-Reporting auf Unternehmensseite. Der Bundesrat will den Schweizer Finanzplatz zum führenden Standort für nachhaltige Investitionen entwickeln und hat die Wirtschaft aufgefordert, entsprechende Lösungsansätze zu präsentieren. Gemeinsam mit anderen Firmen entwickelte Novartis die «Impact Valuation». Durch diesen standardisierenden Ansatz lässt sich die Wirkung im Ziel objektivieren, monetarisieren und vergleichbar machen.
Das UN Global Compact Network Switzerland & Liechtenstein und Novartis laden Sie dazu ein, sich kritisch mit dem Thema auseinanderzusetzen und gemeinsam Lösungsansätze zu diskutieren. Im Anschluss an die Veranstaltung werden Sie bei einem Stehlunch die Möglichkeit haben, Ihr Netzwerk zu erweitern und die Gespräche weiterzuführen.
9:30 Uhr Registrierung und Welcome Coffee
10:00 -12:00 Uhr Input-Referate
Begrüssung; Dr. Lutz Hegemann, Group Head Corporate Affairs and Global Health, Novartis
Daniela Stoffel, Staatssekretärin für Internationale Finanzfragen
Dr. Agnes Neher, Head of Responsible Investment, Baloise Gruppe
Sonja Haut, Head Strategic Measurement and Materiality, Novartis
12:00 - 12:30 Uhr Q&A
Moderation: Antonio Hautle, Executive Director, UN Global Compact Netzwerk Schweiz und Liechtenstein
In Kooperation mit .Novartis
Sustainable investments: Possible solutions from the real economy for Switzerland’s position as a pioneering financial hub
Novartis Campus Basel or virtual.
Simultaneous translation is available on demand.
The UN Sustainable Development Goals are only achievable through an immense joint effort by all actors. There is enormous potential in , which involves making investment decisions based not only on financial considerations but also on ecological, social and governance (ESG) factors. This trend will lead in turn to more sustainable and more economic activity in the real economy.sustainable investment
A prerequisite for this is transparent and standardized sustainability reporting on the part of business. The Federal Council wants to see Switzerland’s position as a financial hub develop into the leading location for sustainable investments and has invited the business community to present possible solutions with this in mind. Together with other companies, Novartis has developed the Impact Valuation approach. This standardized approach allows the ultimate impact to be objectified, monetized and compared.
The UN Global Compact Network Switzerland & Liechtenstein (GCNSL) and Novartis invite you to critically reflect on the subject and discuss possible solutions together. The event will be followed by a stand-up lunch, where you will have the opportunity to network and continue the discussions.
9:30 h Registration and welcome coffee
10:00 -12:00 h Input presentations
Welcome speech; Dr. Lutz Hegemann, Group Head Corporate Affairs and Global Health, Novartis
Daniela Stoffel, State Secretary for International Finance
Dr. Agnes Neher, Head of Responsible Investment, Baloise Group
Sonja Haut, Head Strategic Measurement and Materiality, Novartis
12:00 - 12:30 h Q&A
Stand-up lunch
Moderation: Antonio Hautle, CEO, UN Global Compact Network Switzerland and Liechtenstein
In cooperation with .Novartis
Dr. Lutz Hegemann
As Group Head of Corporate Affairs and Global Health, Lutz Hegemann is responsible for driving forward the corporate strategy of Novartis and integrating global health and environmental, social and governance (ESG) matters into the core of the business.
In this newly created role, Lutz leads three teams: the Corporate Strategy function, which oversees the execution of the Novartis strategy; the ESG Management Office, which integrates ESG activities across the company; and the Global Health organization, which focuses on transforming health in low- and middle-income countries, with flagship programs targeting malaria, leprosy, sickle cell disease and Chagas disease.
Before taking on his present role in February 2021, Lutz was Chief Operating Officer for Global Health at Novartis. He has held roles of increasing responsibility since joining the company in 2005 in the Consumer Health Division. He began his career as a public health physician and scientist.
Lutz is a Fellow of the Royal Society for Tropical Medicine & Hygiene and serves on the boards of the Novartis Foundation, the Swiss Alliance against Neglected Tropical Diseases, the Tanzania Training Centre of International Health, and PATH.
Daniela Stoffel
Daniela Stoffel (born in 1968) took up her role as State Secretary for International Finance at the Federal Department of Finance (FDF) on 1 March 2019.
In 1998, Daniela Stoffel entered the diplomatic service of the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA). In 2005, she took over as Head of Public Relations and Culture at the Swiss Embassy in Washington D.C. and in August 2009 she moved to the Swiss Embassy in Berlin as Head of Economic and Financial Affairs. There she was appointed Deputy Head of Mission in 2012. In 2015, Daniela Stoffel assumed a staff function in the General Secretariat of the OECD in Paris.
From 2015, Daniela Stoffel was on detachment to SIF with the title of Ambassador, latterly as Head of Political Staff. From 2016, she was also the Diplomatic Advisor to the Head of the Federal Department of Finance (FDF). In these functions, Daniela Stoffel was involved in safeguarding and dealing with current financial policy issues and challenges and in the corresponding international negotiations and contacts.
Daniela Stoffel graduated from the University of Zurich in 1992 with a degree in Philosophy, Economics and German Linguistics. Accompanying her work as a University Assistant at the Institute of Philosophy of the University of Zurich, she wrote her thesis in 1996. She is a citizen of Winterthur, in the canton of Zurich, and is the mother of an adult daughter.
Dr. Agnes Neher
Agnes Neher has more than 10 years experience in the field of sustainable investments. She is Head of Responsible Investment at Baloise Group. In her role, she is responsible for the responsible investment strategy for insurance and third-party client funds. Previously, she was an ESG analyst and corporate sustainability manager at the private bank J. Safra Sarasin.
After receiving her Diploma in Economics from the University of Tübingen and her MSc in Philosophy of Social Sciences from the London School of Economics and Political Sciences, Agnes completed her PhD on "ESG Risks and Responsible Investment in Financial Markets" at the University of Hohenheim.
Sonja Haut
Sonja is Head Strategic Measurement and Materiality in the department of Group Financial Reporting and Accounting.
She has worked on impact valuation for Novartis since 2015, as Head Strategic Measurement and Materiality in Global Health and Corporate Responsibility and in Group Financial Reporting and Accounting since August 2020. She leads the Novartis Value Balancing Alliance (VBA) engagement, is a Member of the Capitals Coalition Advisory Panel, and a Member of the WEF Global Future Council "Economic Growth and Recovery" (2020-2022) and "New Economic Agenda" (2019-2020).
Sonja earned an MBA from IMD Business School in Lausanne, Switzerland and holds degrees in Physics and Mathematics from the University of Freiburg, Germany. She is a First Mover Fellow of the Aspen Institute, USA.