9th Meeting of the Working Group on Sustainable Supply Chain Management

Time & Location
12 Nov 2021, 09:00 – 11:30
About the event
The 9th Meeting of the Working Group Sustainable Supply Chain Management will focus on the practical aspects of managing and remediating adverse impacts (steps 3 and 6 of the OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Conduct).
Olivier Bovet, Senior Adviser at SECO, will present the work of the National Contact Point (NCP) for the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and how it contributes to solve conflicts.
Eugenia Ceballos Hunziker, Group Head Sustainable Procurement and Impact Valuation at Holcim will share her insights and learnings around the latest NCP case her company was involved in. This case, submitted by the Union Building and Wood Workers’ International, concerned alleged breaches of specific provisions of Chapter V of the OECD Guidelines (Employment and Industrial Relations) in the Philippines.
Call for input
We would like to have a lively debate where everyone can share their challenges and insights. Please let us know by email (alice.harbach@globalcompact.ch) if you are willing to share with the group your experiences and reflections on ceasing, preventing or mitigating adverse impacts or providing remedy as well as challenges and good practices in implementing grievance mechanisms.
Kindly be reminded that all Working Group sessions are held under Chatham House Rules, which provide a safe space for discussion.
The Working Group Sustainable Supply Chain Management is a knowledge-sharing platform for Swiss companies launched in 2019 by GCNSL and öbu. Kindly note that this Working Group is open for öbu and UN Global Compact members only. If you are interested in joining the Working Group, please get in touch with alice.harbach@globalcompact.ch or weiss@oebu.ch.