Deep Dive Webinar Series on
Child Labour
Following up on the 2023 webinar series on Child Labour Due Diligence mandated by the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) to support companies in building their child labour due diligence process step by step, a new deep dive webinar series for Swiss companies will take place in 2024 and 2025. Mandated by SECO this new series will explore into more detail essential aspects of tackling child labour.
Target audience
The webinar series is free of charge and open to all representatives of Swiss companies and especially targeted at company representatives that are in charge of Human Rights and Children’s Rights questions in their companies. Representatives from the following functions will mostly benefit from the webinars: sustainability, compliance, legal, procurement, human resources, human rights, children’s rights, reporting.
Language: English
Join our deep dive webinar series
Please sign up for each webinar individually
For further insights and a step-by-step guidance on how to establish a child labour due diligence process, we recommend watching our previous webinar series.
This webinar series is organized in cooperation with the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) and Save the Children.