The idea of human rights is as simple as it is powerful: That all people have a right to be treated with dignity.
Business is about people. Directly or indirectly, businesses often impact the human rights of their employees and contract workers, workers in their supply chains, the communities around their operations and the end users of their products or services. Businesses impact virtually the entire spectrum of internationally recognized human rights.
As a result, companies have both a responsibility and an opportunity to advance human rights across their operations, supply chains and beyond. Is your company able to know and show that it supports and respects the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights, and that it is not complicit in human rights abuses?
The Business & Human Rights Accelerator is a six-month programme activating companies participating in the UN Global Compact across industries and regions. The objective is to help businesses swiftly move from commitment to action on human rights and labour rights through establishing an ongoing human rights due diligence process.
Stage 1
Participants understand the Human Rights and Labour Principles of the UN Global Compact, UN Guiding Principles and the human rights due diligence process and determine where they are on their human rights journey.
Stage 4
Participants start developing specific actions and related metrics.
Stage 2
Participants scope the company value chain and identify potential impacts.
Stage 5
Participants understand how to effectively engage affected stakeholders and communicate their impacts.
Stage 3
Participants prioritize salient human rights impacts and understand their involvement with those impacts.
Stage 6
Participants understand remedy and grievance mechanisms.
Programme schedule & costs
Registration: 12 September 2024 - 20 December 2024
Programme duration: February to July 2025
Effort: 50 hours (over the 6-month period)
Language: English
Costs: free of charge for participants of the UN Global Compact Network Switzerland & Liechtenstein
In order to take part, companies are required to meet the following criteria:
Be a participant of the UN Global Compact Network Switzerland & Liechtenstein or willing to join
Willing to identify its human rights impacts and scope a core area of its value chain for further focus
Committed to developing an Action Plan to help address the human rights risks identified and prioritized
Able to appoint
Two representatives to participate in Accelerator activities and peer-learning sessions (in order to ensure that at least one representative can attend the facilitated sessions)
An executive-level representative to follow Accelerator developments, provide internal support and participate in high-level events
What you will learn
How to identify your responsibilities in respecting human rights and labour rights, expressed in the International Bill of Human Rights and the International Labour Organization’s Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work
How to establish an ongoing human rights due diligence process in line with international standards
How to prepare organizations for evolving human rights due diligence legislation that is aligned with international standards
How to report and communicate on your human rights due diligence outcomes, including through the Communication on Progress, the annual public disclosure requirement for all UN Global Compact participants
How to connect human rights and the human rights due diligence process with social sustainability initiatives

Contact person

Tabea Böglin
Programme Manager Social Sustainability, ESG Reporting and Regulations